Skill Levels
Beginner: Brand new to riding!
To be considered ready for Advanced Beginner:
Can halter in the stall
Can groom and pick feet (with some assistance on hoof picking if horse is feeling fussy)
Can lead horse independently
Can steer at the walk
Can stop and back
Willing to trot (not necessarily off the lunge line)
Can emergency dismount without hesitation at the walk
Understands rules of the arena and how to be safe in the arena with multiple horses and riders
To be considered ready for Intermediate:
Can tack up themselves (with assistance checking girth and bridling)
Trotting skills
can steer in circles and other basics like changing directions
post, sit, and two-point
No hands
ride bareback
emergency dismount
Willing to canter on the lunge line
Groundwork skills
lead safely through obstacles
Knows Friendly, Porcupine, Hide Your Heiney, Yo-Yo, and Circle game
To be considered ready for Advanced Intermediate:
Can tack up independently
Can confidently trot a cross rail
Cantering skills
can steer in circles and around other horses
sit and two point
No hands
comfortable cantering in groups
Can handle some unpredictability/silliness from horse
Can be flexible on horse choices without too much upset or change in quality of ride
Groundwork skills
understanding of the ground games and their purposes
able to do a ground game with a goal in mind
understanding of the reasons why we might choose to do groundwork before we ride or instead of riding
To be considered ready for Senior Advanced:
Can confidently perform all gaits on most horses
Can work independently (with oversight from instructor) on goals and maintain focus while instructor is helping other riders
Is skilled at their area(s) of interest: jumping, obstacles, vaulting, liberty, etc, but is willing to work on skills unrelated to their particular area of interest
Understands how to work towards training goals with individual horses, and has patience to work towards those goals
Is fluid in their ground games - can switch games to achieve purpose, has the ability to be creative with games
Can look at a situation compassionately from their horse’s perspective and adapt their riding or plan to suit that perspective
Has the emotional skills to understand their own influence on their horse’s actions, and knows how to actively manage their feelings in support of their horse
Is interested in the success of their fellow riders, the horses, and the barn as a community